Ники Марков - Психолог

Have you ever heard the saying “Knowledge is power”?

Or this one: “Warned – half saved”…?

In one of the most important scenes in the epic movie “The Matrix”, from the late 1990s, the protagonist, Neo, visits the Oracle to find out if he is the “chosen one.” The key moment is the scene in which he sees the inscription above the door “Know yourself”.

As if there is no better prelude to the explanation of the meaning behind psychological profiling…

Like Neo, we mortals can reach our full potential, successfully achieve our goals and adequately cope with challenges only when we know ourselves in depth, realize our strengths and limits, and learn to live in harmony with them.

It is no coincidence that Neo undergoes his transformation into a superhero only after exploring himself and getting to know his own nature in depth…

What is Psychological Profiling?

The purpose of psychological profiling is to reveal our human nature and show us what are the deep unconscious characteristics of our personality, which largely determine our behavior, and hence how our lives will develop.

When we talk about “Human Nature”, we actually understand the mechanisms that permanently and constantly affect the way we behave throughout all major areas of our entire lives. And because the way we behave largely determines what happens to us in life, we can safely assume that they are, after all, the factor that has the greatest impact on our lives.

The mechanisms that describe human nature are reduced to various constructs that science describes by names, such as “Needs”, “Temperament”, “Character”, “Values”, “Motives”, “Attitudes”, “Preferences”, “Beliefs”, “Prejudices”. and others.

In addition to describing them with these names, science identified ways to study them and to identify and describe their manifestations in each individual.

This is the psychological profiling – analysis of the characteristics of human nature of the profiled person, in order to shed light on the unconscious mechanisms that greatly affect his or her behavior.

Okay, but for what purpose …?

The purpose of psychological profiling is to give a detailed picture of the personality of the person (strengths and weaknesses), to explain previous behaviors, to anticipate potential future behaviors, and allow the person to make strategically correct decisions in important areas of his life!

In other words – to help the person truly understand oneself!

What information does psychological profiling bring?

  • Why the person did what he did in the past (explaining past behaviors)
  • How is a person most likely to react in certain circumstances (predicting future behaviors)
  • What conditions and circumstances would bring a feeling of dissatisfaction and mental stress for the person (anticipation of roles and activities in which the person would not be able to function adaptively / adequately for a long time)
  • What challenges would the person cope with easily and what difficulties would be too much for him/her (highlighting his / her strengths and weaknesses)
  • What unconscious counterproductive behaviors does he/she has (What “sabotages” him/her in achieving her/his goals )
  • What prejudices are there (how on a deep subconscious level, the person deprives himself of the possibility of conscious choice)
  • What kind of people does the person tend to surround with (what kind of people would he feel happiest and most satisfied with)
  • What kind of people does he avoid (what kind of people would he feel unhappy and dissatisfied with)
  • What decisions would the person make (in a situation of choosing between two things, other things being equal)
  • In a position of power (formal – as a leader in an organization, or informal – as the head of a family, for example, or in a group of friends) what environment and circumstances he would create for the people around him
  • What motivates him and makes him engaged
  • What demotivates him

What are the Major Areas of Life?

And what is the specific application of psychological profiling in each of them

Work, Business and Career Counseling

  • Analysis of the professional directions that would satisfy the person in the long run (motivation, commitment, productivity)
  • Analysis of the compatibility between a specific job position and the researched person (career decision making)
  • Analysis of the compatibility between a specific organization and the researched person (choice of employer)
  • Career counseling
    Analysis of the compatibility of the profile of the person with potential entrepreneurial initiatives, startups, and innovations.

Relationships, Love, Intimacy

  • Improving the performance, motivation, and results in the context of finding the right (for the subject) long-term partner
  • Analysis of the potential “ideal partner”
  • Analysis of obstacles to find, “win” and keep his partner
  • Analysis of compatibility between two people (The perfect match)
  • Analysis of the causes/sources of conflicts in the relationship
  • Analysis of potential “discrepancies” in intimate desires, needs, and experiences between partners
  • Couples counseling & therapy


  • Improving the understanding of the influence of the person on the formation of their children as individuals
  • Analysis of potential conflicts between parent and child due to individual profiles of parents
  • Analysis and clarification of unconscious prejudices in parents in order to smooth out the overall parenting process
  • Analysis and revelation of the influence of parents on the environment they create/shape for their children
  • Analysis and revelation of the differences between the parents and the consequences for the children in the educational process
  • Analysis and revelation of the ways in which the understandings, motives, values, ​​and attitudes of parents affect their understanding of children and, accordingly, their actions towards them

Psychological Health & Challenges

  • Improving people’s ability to adequately care for their mental health
  • Analysis of the potential psychological challenges and the consequences for a person’s mental health
  • Recommendations for specific activities, to alleviate the general psychological burden and make it easier to deal with challenges
  • Identification of predisposition to various psychological disorders for early prevention
  • Analysis of the ability of the researched person to meet the needs and respectively identify the reasons for his inability to do the same
  • Analysis of the discrepancy between what the person “wants” on a deep subconscious level (values) and what he “can” (temperament and character) and the subsequent psychological challenges
  • Individual therapeutic sessions and ongoing counseling

Personal Image & Professional Reputation

  • Improving performance, motivation, and results in the context of building a consistent personal image and professional reputation
  • Analysis and revelation of the personality characteristics that have the strongest influence on the way the surrounding world perceives the person, as well as the consequences of this for his reputation
  • Identifying discrepancies between the identity (the internal perception of the subject about himself) and reputation (the perception that the rest of the world has about him) and the consequences of these discrepancies on the success of the subject in the context of different life areas
  • Analysis and identification of the possibility or impossibility of unifying identity and reputation
  • Analysis of the potential for building a “whole person” – a compatible image between reputation and identity, to serve the needs of the subject in the context of key areas of life

Organizational and Business Needs

  • Selection – Analysis of the compatibility between a specific job position and the analyzed person (when hiring an employee or forming a new team)
  • Promotion – Analysis of the specific features of the researched person, which should be developed for the needs of promotion in a specific leadership position
  • Leadership development – identifying the specific characteristics of the person in the context of successful leadership, in order to develop and/or promote to a leadership position
  • Motivation, Commitment, and Productivity – Analysis of the individual motivators of the researched person in order to apply an adequate non-financial compensatory model
  • Career counseling in the context of the parent organization
  • Risk Assessment – Analysis of the suitability of the person with risk-sensitive activities and positions
  • Conflict management – Analysis of compatibility between members of a particular team
  • Care for the mental health of employees

Personality development through psychological profiling?

Through psychological profiling, we identify where you are at the moment …

Through strategic goal setting, we shape the vision of where you want to be …

Through the already prepared psychological profile, we identify what prevents you from achieving your goals (weaknesses + counterproductive behaviors), what are your strengths in the context of your goals, and how to use them in the best way to improve performance, motivation, and results in their pursuit.

Through individual work and coaching, we “melt” the difference between the current situation and the place where you want to be. (Closing the gap)

What does the process look like?

The process is a sequence of 4 steps:

  1. Choice of context for psychological profiling (important areas of life described above);
  2. Completion of three digital questionnaires (in three separate days);
  3. Providing an extensive written report (about 30 pages in digital format), including the results of the subject (the profile itself);
  4. Three individual meetings between the psychologist and the profiled person in order to confirm or reject the results of the digital questionnaires and to provide explanations and feedback to the profiled person;


  • The profiling process takes place at a time convenient for the client (every day 08:00 – 21:00, including weekends), entirely online.
  • After the profiling itself is completed, the profiled person is given the opportunity to continue working with the psychologist in the context of the goals that the person would have in the research area.
  • This work may include:
  • Life goal setting in the specific field (or in another)
  • Individual consultations and sessions to deal with specific cases
  • Therapy for problems and disorders
  • Training and development of various Socio-Functional skills
  • Coaching to achieve goals and personal growth
  • Therapy

Ready for a change…?

Let’s talk:
