There are 5 important questions, that everyone is asking:

– Who am I?

– What do I want?

– How to achieve it?

– Who do I achieve it with?

– What is stopping me?

My way of being useful is by supporting the successful realization of people personally and professionally, working with them on the issues above.


Here’s how:

Niki Markov

Certified Cognitive Behavioral Therapist;

Certified  “Leadership Development”, “Professional Development” and “Individual Development” specialist with the methodology of  Hogan Assessments“;

Social & Organizational Psychologist;

How can I help?

Individual consultations:

Wants, Needs, and Attitudes Identification

  • The question “What do I want?” often is too deep and complicated for us to answer it alone. By analyzing our values, needs, motives, inclinations, and impulses, we can identify what to do in order to achieve satisfaction and joy from all the important areas of our lives

Goal-Setting & Strategizing to Achieve those Goals

  • Development and Training
  • Jobs, Business and Finance
  • Leadership and Organizational Culture
  • Family and Intimate Relationships
  • Parenting and children
  • Friends
  • Personal and Professional Reputation, Public Image
  • Physical Health and Fitness, Nutrition
  • Maintaining good mental health
  • Sports, Entertainment, Hobbits

Identification of what’s stopping you to achieve your goals

  • Personality traits
  • Physical limitations (Genome sequencing and Complete genetic picture at the cellular level)
  • Environmental constraints (Resources, Barriers, Social Impacts)
  • Mental barriers (Biases, influences)
  • Knowledge and skills required for the planned goals

Individual Consulting, Personal Work 1-to-1, and Coaching

  • Understanding strengths and weaknesses in the context of goals
  • Preparation and following a program to achieve the set goals
  • Preparation and following of a program for personal development, built on the basis of the results of personal diagnostics and analysis.
  • Individual coaching
  • “Sociofunctional Therapy” – for the successful functioning of the individual in modern society

For Business and Organizations:

Talent Assessment and Selection

  • Building a Competency-based Job Description for specific positions according to the needs of the organization
  • Personal Assessment and Profiling of the candidates in the context of the positions (Personality, Values, and Attitudes, Competences)
  • Assisting in the Interview processes

Employee Development

  • Personal ассессмент and profiling
  • Identifying areas with potential for development
  • Personal and group consulting, coaching
  • Reputation analysis and management

Leadership Development

  • Personal assessment and profiling for the key managerial positions
  • Identifying areas with potential for development in the context of the organizational goals
  • Personal leadership consulting, coaching
  • Reputation analysis and management

Values, Culture, Employer Branding

  • Organizational values analysis
  • Key clients values identification
  • Identifying and framing the points of contact of the organization and its customers
  • Building key experiences for customers at their “touch-points” with the organization, based on the identified values
  • Employer Branding

Need Change…?

Let’s Talk: